Password Resets are a Bullshit Job
Security Bobby Arvanitakis Security Bobby Arvanitakis

Password Resets are a Bullshit Job

Forrester Research estimates that the average cost of a single password reset done by helpdesk is about $70 USD a year, while Gartner estimates that 30% to 50% of all helpdesk calls are for password resets. That’s a lot of money funneled into a bullshit function, in what would be an absolutely thrilling job supporting corporate IT infrastructure.

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Cybersecurity Hygiene: Why There’s No Excuse For Compromised Accounts In 2021
Bobby Arvanitakis Bobby Arvanitakis

Cybersecurity Hygiene: Why There’s No Excuse For Compromised Accounts In 2021

There is a common concern my friends and colleagues have been talking about recently, and it’s the increasing number of data breaches and account credential leaks in the last year. Since April 2021, Have I Been Pwned has reported over 761 million unique account leaks, and it doesn’t look like hackers are slowing down their efforts to obtain your unique usernames and passwords. If you aren’t using the following two account security measures to protect your data and identity online, you better start!

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Learning From Failed IT Projects: 2016 Australian Census
Bobby Arvanitakis Bobby Arvanitakis

Learning From Failed IT Projects: 2016 Australian Census

The Australian Census, which is compulsory for every Australian to complete every five years, “provides an important statistical snapshot of [the Australian] nation” (ABS, 2015). This data is extremely vital, as it is used to assist government planning on a national and local scale, public funding, electoral boundaries, and other future policies that provide long term benefits to the Australian population.

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Analysis: Brain-Computer Interface Technology
Bobby Arvanitakis Bobby Arvanitakis

Analysis: Brain-Computer Interface Technology

Brain-computer interface (BCI) technology provides a communication link between the brain and an external machine, that can be programmed to interpret the signals received from the brain to do any specific task. The importance of BCI technology is that it will disrupt the way we communicate with technology, and with one another, completely.

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Working from Home
Other Bobby Arvanitakis Other Bobby Arvanitakis

Working from Home

Much of the world has been affected by the pandemic this year, and many of us have had to shift our working lives to our homes. If your company is also thinking about the long term strategy of a remote workforce, here are a couple of tips to keep your employees - and yourself! - happy.

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Is your business "Cloud Ready"?
Other Bobby Arvanitakis Other Bobby Arvanitakis

Is your business "Cloud Ready"?

A number of people have contacted me about what it means for their business to be “Cloud Ready”. In a nutshell, having a Cloud Ready environment means you can recover easily from a business disaster. To get to this stage requires some planning, and a dedicated consultant who can step you through it all.

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How can we help you build your website?
Other Bobby Arvanitakis Other Bobby Arvanitakis

How can we help you build your website?

When clients reach out to me to help them build a website for the first time, they don’t really know where to begin. Their customers constantly asked if they had a website, and friends and family suggested creating a website, but it all sounded too complicated and they weren’t really that technical. That’s where I step in and help!

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Why use a technology consultant for your business?
Bobby Arvanitakis Bobby Arvanitakis

Why use a technology consultant for your business?

In tight economic environments, it is important for businesses to find ways to innovate on their operations, help them maximize their revenues while keeping expenses low. Choosing to use an experienced consultant allows businesses the ability to grow, rather than simply attempting to maintain their status quo.

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