Is your business "Cloud Ready"?

A number of people have contacted me about what it means for their business to be “Cloud Ready”. In a nutshell, having a Cloud Ready environment means you can recover easily from a business disaster. Your data and operations are safely backed up on a managed server on the Internet. To get to this stage requires some planning, and a dedicated consultant who can step you through it all.

Part of the planning process can include some or all of the following parts:

  • Your online brand - including domain name, business website, advertising and marketing, emails and other forms of electronic communication.

  • The tools you use daily - backup and sync functions, office document and spreadsheet collaboration, email clients, laptops and printers.

  • The services you depend on - data backup and migration, cloud storage, and data retention policies.

The work that I do to ensure that your business is Cloud Ready, is the ensure that you’re using the right tools now, so that when I assist with your transition to the cloud, business operations aren’t affected.

In addition to an easy transition phase, running your business from the Cloud has many benefits. I’ll outline some here now, but I’ll follow up in a later article with more detail.

  • Using any device - laptop or mobile - to connect to your data. This provides flexibility when you’re on the road, or don’t have your work laptop with you - use any device!

  • Getting back online after a natural disaster, break-in, or rogue employee. All data is securely stored online, so any physical damage to your work machines don’t affect your client data. Just pick up a cheap Chromebook and login to start where you left off.

  • Cloud services are affordable, and even cheaper, than on-prem software licences, managed private servers, and expensive hardware purchases and ongoing maintenance costs.

Let’s have a chat about migrating your business to the Cloud today!


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