How can we help you build your website?

When clients reach out to me to help them build a website for the first time, they don’t really know where to begin. Their customers constantly asked if they had a website, and friends and family suggested creating a website, but it all sounded too complicated and they weren’t really that technical. That’s where I step in and help!

Typically the way I go about setting up a website for my clients the first time is in three stages:

  1. Gathering all the information I need to start the project

  2. Providing updates and collecting feedback from my client

  3. Publishing the website and handing ownership of the website to the client

The first stage is straightforward, but requires some thought from the client. I initially ask questions that help guide the client in a comfortable direction about what their business is, what they would like their website to do, if they’ve seen other websites or their competition do something that they really liked, and any additional features or functions they’d like incorporated (for example, show an Instagram feed, or have a blogging service like this one).

Based on this information, I’ll proceed to create a mockup of a website and show it to you! It sounds pretty easy, but I spend a great deal of time designing and copywriting your website before I show you the first mockup - and we’re not done yet! I collect feedback from you during every step of the way, providing you insights into why I decided to pick the specific layouts, colors, and photos for your website. If you don’t like anything, or you have a suggestion, I’m happy to hear it! The time I allocate to your website project is solely for you.

I typically work remotely, so if I need photos of your products, I’ll get you to take them and share them with me. This includes photos of your business, your band, your artwork, or anything you’d like to showcase on your website. I can help retouch and modify your photos based on your specifications. I’ll create a Google Drive folder that you can dump any file into, and I’ll check it out.

When you’re satisfied with your new website, we’ll publish it! That means I’ll help you buy a domain name (if you don’t already have one) and direct it to your new website. It sounds complicated, but in a nutshell, we just need to pick a website address that’s available and aligns to your business. I take care of the rest.

Finally, you’ll probably want to keep adding content or change the current website content over time on your website (for example, your business hours or your location changes). I provide two options for this:

  • Transfer ownership of the website to you, and you can make modifications yourself

  • For a monthly fee, I make any modifications you request

Whichever you choose, I am here every step of the way. I provide end-to-end support and advice for your website design, creation, and promotion. Get in touch with us today and let’s talk about your website idea!


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